Google Ads Connector

New! 🔥🔥 Fueled's Google Ads Connector for BigCommerce allows you to automatically set up Google Ads remarketing tags and Google Ads Enhanced Conversion Tracking.

Fueled's Google Ads Connector is a paid feature. Please contact if you are interested in pricing and learning more.


Fueled's Google Ads Connector helps merchants properly implement Google Ads event tracking on their website. Proper implementation of Google Ads tracking provides Google Ads with better data, improves customer match rates, and increases return on ad spend.

Getting Started

Fueled's Google Ads Connector is an advanced feature available to merchants on paid plans. To get started, reach out to Once we get you signed up for a paid plan, our team will then enable this feature on your behalf.

How It Works

Our Google Ads Connector integrates your BigCommerce store with Google Ads in two ways.

1. Automatic Remarketing Tag Configuration

If you're using our Google Analytics 4 integration, our Google Ads integration will automatically send Google Ads "Remarketing Events" every time a Google Analytics event fires on your site.

This provides Google Ads with more robust click-stream data to power Google Ads retargeting, audience creation, and machine learning.

2. Google Ads Enhanced Conversion Tracking

Fueled installs a Google Ads Conversion Tracking tag on your Order Confirmation page, which includes the correct configuration for "Enhanced Conversion Tracking."

What this means is that our Google Ads integration collects shopper information to send to Google Ads with the purchase conversion event.

Of course, we do not send the customer's contact information to Google in plain text. We hash the data so that Google Ads can match against it, while not having direct access to your shopper's contain information.

Google reports that Enhanced Conversion Tracking can improve customer match rates significantly, and (generally speaking) lead to a near-immediate improvement in conversions of 3.5%.

Last updated