Is Fueled a CDP?

What is a CDP??

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)

  • Centralize customer data & create unified customer profiles;

  • Push customer events and profiles to marketing and BI tools; and

  • Make this data available for personalized campaigns, contextualized customer service, and analysis.

In other words, CDPs help brands to better utilize first-party and zero-party customer data to reach new customers, reduce customer acquisition costs, and increase customer lifetime value.

So, is Fueled a CDP??

Yes and no. Fueled provides many of the most obvious features of a CDP:

  • Fueled allows you to collect 1st-party behavioral data across various platforms eCommerce merchants use to engage with their customers.

  • Fueled provides a standard format and data structure for these events, so that they are interoperable.

  • Fueled allows you to push this 1st-party engagement data to a number of “destinations”, such as Google Analytics 4 and various data warehouses.

However, there are other features of enterprise CDPs that we do not support out of the box, such as:

  • SDKs (or programming libraries) for integrating with mobile apps or other custom software applications.

  • Rules and tools for advanced “identity resolution” between such applications.

  • Tools for managing event schema validation.

If an Commerce merchant needs the features described above, Fueled would recommend that the merchant push our data into a dedicated, enterprise-grade CDP like Segment, mParticle, or Tealium. In fact, Fueled pairs quite nicely with these tools: We collect the eCommerce data you need, and can then push it into these enterprise platforms for advanced use cases.

📘 CDPs vs CRMs

Initially, it might be easiest to think about a Customer Data Platforms (CDP) like you would a sales-oriented Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Platform like Salesforce or Hubspot.

With a CRM, you have Customer Records that represent the people with whom you interact. You can track various Properties of those customers. You can also track all of your interactions with those customers, such as email correspondence and phone calls. Each of those interactions might have properties as well, such as the body of an email or the topic of a phone call.

CDPs work pretty much the same way. CDPs automatically track all of your interactions with customers — as well as their interactions with your brand, website, mobile app, and so forth. In the CDP world, we refer to these interactions as Events.

The difference between a CDP and a CRM is essentially the volume of customers and interactions. Whereas you might manage thousands or tens of thousands of interactions with customers via your CRM; CDPs are designed to manage relationships with hundreds of thousands or millions of customers.

CDPs automate all of this event tracking, customer identity resolution, and segmentation, to allow you to personalize customer experiences at scale.

So Why Fueled?

The Problem with General-Purpose CDPs

Implementing a customer data platform as an eCommerce merchant can be really hard.

  • Many common eCommerce and marketing SaaS technologies currently lack CDP integrations;

  • Launching a conventional, general-purpose CDP for eCommerce requires a lot of time and planning;

  • Once live, there’s no playbook or clear best practices for leveraging a CDP for eCommerce use cases; and

  • In addition to platform fees, most eCommerce merchants end up spending considerable money on CDP consultants.

How Fueled solves these Challenges

As a purpose-built 1st-part attribution suite for eCommerce, we take out all the friction, time, and expense to launching customer data strategies for eCommerce.

  • We provide turnkey integrations for your favorite eCommerce sales and marketing tools, like Shopify, BigCommerce, Yotpo, ReCharge Payments, Gorgias and Loop Returns.

  • We stream real-time events between tools and store all of your historical events in a data warehouse that you can access with your own BI tools.

  • And…we do all this for you, through our fast, cost-effective concierge onboarding process.

Last updated