Custom Pixel For Tracking Checkout Steps

Merchants can leverage the Web Pixel API for tracking checkout-related events, such as Add Payment Info, by setting up a Custom Pixel in the Shopify Admin, which leverages this API.

Step 1: Setting up a Custom Pixel in the Shopify Admin UI

To set up a Custom pixel, go to:[your-store-name]/settings/customer_events

(The click-through path to this configuration screen is: Settings > Customer Events)

Here, you should see the screen below:

Screenshot of the custom events configuration page.

From this screen, click “Add custom pixel”, and name it Fueled Events:

(Note: if you're already using Fueled's Custom Pixel for tracking Add To Cart events, you can just update that script.)

Screenshot for the Shopify interface for adding a custom pixel

This will take you to a screen where you can enter the Custom Pixel code:

Screenshot of the Shopify user interface for adding custom pixel code.

On this screen, you will want to enter the code snippet found at:

It should look like this:

Screenshot of Fueled custom pixel code added to the Custom Pixel UI in Shopify

From there, click “Save” and “Connect”.

If you’d successfully connected this Custom Pixel, you should see the following:

Screenshot of what a merchant will see after successfully saving and connecting Fueled's custom pixel

Standard “Add to Cart” tracking is currently deactivated.

Last updated